act of God - tradução para russo
Dicionário Online

act of God - tradução para russo

Act of god; Vis Major; Actions of God; Actus Dei; Acts of God
  • In ''Korah's Rebellion'', an 1860 woodcut by [[Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld]], a sinkhole forms under the rebels.
  • language=en-US}}</ref>

act of God         
форс-мажор; действие непреодолимой силы;
act of God         
действие стихийных сил (ф)
act of God         


общая лексика

стихийное бедствие

форсмажорные обстоятельства


форс-мажор, непреодолимая сила, стихийное бедствие (обстоятельство, освобождающее от ответственности; оговаривается в договорах, контрактах и т.п.)

стихийная сила


стихийное бедствие (служащее оправданием нарушения обязательства)

строительное дело

разрушение, авария, гибель в результате стихийного бедствия


ГРИП, ГРИПП, гриппа, ·муж. (·франц. grippe) (мед.). Инфекционная болезнь - катарральное воспаление дыхательных путей, сопровождаемое лихорадочным состоянием; то же, что инфлуэнца


Act of God

In legal usage in the English-speaking world, an act of God is a natural hazard outside human control, such as an earthquake or tsunami, for which no person can be held responsible. An act of God may amount to an exception to liability in contracts (as under the Hague–Visby Rules) or it may be an "insured peril" in an insurance policy. In Scots law the equivalent term is damnum fatale.

By contrast, other extraordinary man-made or political events are deemed force majeure.

Exemplos de pronúncia para act of God
1. - Act of God. - And what's an act of God?
Pulp Fiction
2. it's an act of God.
The Ball _ John Fox _ Talks at Google
3. I'm waiting on an act of God.
John Q. (2002)
4. it was an act of God.
Lady Astronaut of Mars _ Mary Robinette Kowal _ Talks at Google
5. "Act of God" with the wonderful Jim Parsons.
Broadway's Hand to God _ Bob Saget + more _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para act of God
1. "It‘s caused by an act of God . . . a massive flood." The U.S.
2. "It wasn‘t because of a fire, a flood, an act of God.
3. Every case of these was an act of God that reassured the Prophet’s companions.
4. "A hurricane is a classic act of nature, an act of God.
5. "This absolutely wasn‘t an act of God," said fire spokesman Scott Waldron.